Get Ready For The Heat!
The Met Office has released a ‘Level 2’ heat health watch warning for England and Wales over the next few days.
The Level 2 Yellow — Alert and readiness is triggered as soon as the risk is 60% or above for threshold temperatures being reached in one or more regions on at least two consecutive days and the intervening night. This is an important stage for social and healthcare services who will be working to ensure readiness and swift action to reduce harm from a potential heatwave.
Heatwaves can be dangerous, especially for the very young or very old or those with chronic disease. Advice on how to reduce the risk either for yourself or somebody you know can be obtained from NHS Choices at, NHS 111 or from your local chemist.
If running any events, especially sporting it is advisable to monitor the wet bulb globe temperature to ascertain risk to participants and spectators. The Kestrel 4400 and Kestrel 4600 will give you the WBGT readings in real-time and at the exact location of the activity. In addition both devices will log all the data for the duration of the event for later records.
Don’t take the risk in the heat make sure you know the conditions with a Kestrel 4400 or 4600 weather meter