Managing Wind & Severe Weather Warnings During Outside Events

As festivals and outdoor events become increasingly popular, they are growing in size, temporary structures are becoming larger and more complex, with greater loads being applied to them. The Temporary Demountable Structures (TDS) guidelines for stages, seating, marquees etc advises arrangements are put in place to keep the structure safe during use. For example, if the structure is susceptible to the weather, monitor and measure the local weather conditions. In adverse weather conditions, know what to do with the structure to protect its stability, e.g. when to open wind relief panels and when to evacuate.

RPR Ltd have developed a range of wind and weather monitoring solutions for the temporary structure market with direct connection to its website. This allows live data display at both a local level and via the public internet fulfilling requirements for monitoring of actual loads and weight distribution related to wind speed and direction and delivering email notifications when wind speed limits have been exceeded. The systems meet the Institution of Structural Engineers guidance on temporary demountable structures, procurement, design and use.

Temporary Structure Wind & Weather Monitoring Options

RPR Ltd have a variety of solutions to meet all temporary structure requirements from Kestrel hand-held weather stations ideal for taking one-off wind speed measurements, wind speed alarm systems, to Internet connected solutions allowing data to be viewed remotely and send notifications when wind speed limits have been exceeded. Please contact use to discus your requirements.