Summer Has Arrived – Kestrel 4400 & 4600 Will Help You Avoid Heat Stress
Summer is officially here and with a heat wave predicted over the next few weeks and months it’s a good time to raise awareness of the Kestrel 4400 and Kestrel 4600 Heat Stress Meters. The handheld Kestrel 4400 & 4600 Heat Stress Trackers use a 1 inch black globe that took over 13 years to develop, the globe keeps the Kestrel compact and portable ensuring you can take WBGT (wet bulb globe temperature) readings right on the spot. WBGT is fast becoming the standard measurement used to calculate heat stress accurately.
Another measurement of the Heat Stress Tracker is the Black Globe measurement. The 4400 black globe accounts for radiant temperature, in other words how hot it actually feels. For example, if it’s 25 degrees outside and you’re standing in shade it will feel much cooler than if your stood on a black tarmac on a roof of a multi-storey car park.
So if you are running sporting events, festivals, concerts or planning a long hike in the country then having a Kestrel 4400 or 4600 with you will ensure you are prepared correctly for any extreme temperatures and put measures in place to control the risks such as making shady areas readily available or plenty of drinking water on tap.
Enjoy the sun safely.