AutoHoot Mk3
AutoHoot Mk3

AutoHoot is an electronic control unit which can be connected to a suitable horn or sounder to produce a sequence of sound signals with reliable timing removing unnecessary human error. Primarily designed for the use in running sailing races it’s basic operation is simple and intuitive. During the starting sequence AutoHoot’s display shows the countdown time to the start. It comes with a number of pre-programed sequences, and it is possible for the user to write and add their own custom sequences. Other race signals like recalls, shorten course and finish hoots can be made without interrupting the active Auto sequence if required.
AutoHoot Benefits
• Simplified error-free starting sequences
• Guaranteed accurate timings
• Reduces workload and stress
• Clear indication of the time to the start
• Auto-repeat capability for successive starts
• Easy to use, compact & affordable
User Instruction Manuals for AutoHoot Mk3
AutoHoot MK3 User Manual Issue 4
AutoHoot MK3 User Manual Issue 3
AutoHoot MK3 Sequence List
Declarations of Conformity for AutoHoot MK3
AutoHoot MK3 EU Declaration of Conformity
AutoHoot MK3 UK Declaration of Conformity
User Instruction Manuals for AutoHoot II
AutoHoot II User Manual
AutoHoot II Quck Start Guide
AutoHoot II Additional Wiring Instructions

AutoHoot Mk3