Temp, Humidity & Pressure Air Pressure / Temperature
Relative / Absolute humidity
Naturally aspirated UV stable radiation shield
Protection against wind-blown precipitation/dust
Wind Wind speed & direction
Apparent and true wind (with GPS)
WMO wind averages and gust
GPS (Option) Height above sea level m
Position of the sun
Solar Noon
MSL pressure
Precipitation (Input) Ready for customer supplied custom tip range gauge via connector
Parameters Temperature °C / °F / °K
Relative humidity % Rh
Barometric pressure hPa, mbar, mm Hg, In Hg
Wet bulb temperature °C / °F / °K
Absolute humidity g/m3
Air density kg/m3
Wind speed m/s, hm/hr, mph, kts, ft/min
Wind direction °
Wind chill °C / °F / °K
True/apparent wind
Precipitation mm/hr, mm/total, in/hr, in/total
Angle of Tilt
Outputs RS232, 422, 485 (ASCII), SDI-12, NMEA, MODBUS, Analogue (option)
Wind Speed Range 0.1 m/s to 60 m/s
Accuracy ± 3% to 40 m/s,
± 5% to 60 m/s
Resolution m/s 0.01
Starting Speed 0.01 m/s
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Units m/s, km/hr, mph, kts, ft/min
Wind Direction Range 0-359°
Accuracy ± 3% to 40 m/s,
± 5% to 60 m/s
Resolution 1°
Starting Threshold 0.01 m/s
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Units Degrees
Temperature Range -40°C to +70 °C
Resolution 0.1
Accuracy ± 0.3°C @ 20°C
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Units °C, °F, °K
Humidity Range 0-100%
Resolution 1%
Accuracy ± 2% @ 20°C (10%-90% RH)
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Units % Rh, g/m3
Dew Point Range -40°C to +70°C
Resolution 0.1
Accuracy ± 0.3°C @ 20°C
Units °C, °F, °K
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Pressure Range 300 to 1100 hpa
Resolution 0.1 hPa
Accuracy ± 0.5 hPa @ 25°C
Sampling Rate 1 Hz
Units hPa, mbar, mmHg, inHg
Precipitation Measurement type TBRG
Range 0-1000 mm/hr
Precipitation Resolution From 0.001 mm
Units mm/hr, mm/total, in/hr, in/total
Input to GMX Contact closure via an M8 male 4-Pin connector
Optional 20m cable or mating female connector required
Optional Rain Gauge 1957-PK-069
Outputs Output rate 1/s, 1/min, 1/hr
Digital Comms Modes Serial RS232, RS422, RS485, SDI-12, NMEA, MODBUS, ASCII
Analogue Outputs Available via seperate optional device
Power Power Supply 5 to 30 Vdc
Power (Nominal) 12 Vdc 25 mA continuous high mode 0.7 mA eco-power mode (1 hour polled)
Environmental Conditions IP Rating 66
Operational Temperature Range -40°C to +70°C
EMC Standard BS EN 61326-2-1:2013 FCC, CFR Title 47, Part 15, Subpart B, Class A digital device
CE Marking Yes
RoHS compilant Yes
Weight 0.7 Kg
Origin UK
Gill MaxiMet GMX550
Gill MaxiMet GMX550

GMX550 Compact Weather Station
The Gill MaxiMet GMX550 combines the GMX200 and GMX300 with the addition of a side connector to add any rain gauge, the measurements are included in the data string of the sensor.
Three double-louvered naturally aspirated radiation shields deliver long term highly accurate weather data. Parameters measured include temperature, relative humidity, barometric pressure, absolute humidity, air density and wet bulb temperature.
The solid state ultrasonic sensor provides extremely accurate wind speed and direction measurements. An electronic compass comes as standard which delivers apparent wind, WMO wind averages and gust data.
The optional GPS adds the benefit of a true wind measurement, height above sea level, latitude, and longitude, and simplifies installation by automatically finding north.
Richard Paul Russell Ltd. can connect the sensor to the WeatherFile.com website where data can be viewed using any internet connected device and downloaded for detailed analysis in a .CSV file format.
• Building and industrial controls
• Authorities
• Transport
• Coastal
• Agricultural
• Safety
• Educational
• Commercial
• Energy
• Temperature, humidity and pressure sensor
• Naturally aspirated
• UV stable radiation shield
• Dust and precipitation protected
• Wind sensor
• Wind speed & direction
• Apparent wind
• WMO wind averages, gusts
• Built in compass
• GPS *Optional provides true wind, latitude, longitude and height above sea level
• Precipitation
• Side connector to add any rain gauge (Kalyx or ARG314 recommended)
• Lightweight and compact
• Robust construction
• Low power consumption
• No moving parts
• Extremely low maintenance
• 24 months warranty
Data Sheet

Gill MaxiMet GMX550